The Power of Showing Your Hands on Camera During Video Calls

Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash

Virtual communication has become an essential part of our daily lives, and it has its unique set of challenges. Unlike face-to-face communication, virtual communication can make it difficult to convey our full attention and engagement. It can also be challenging to discern whether others are fully present or possibly doing other tasks while we speak. In this article, I will share a helpful tip for effective virtual communication: showing your hands when speaking on camera.

When communicating through a camera lens, we rely on non-verbal cues like eye contact, facial expressions, and body language to convey our level of engagement and attention. However, in virtual communication, it can be challenging to communicate effectively without these cues. Others may also face the same challenge and may perceive us as not being fully engaged or paying attention to the conversation.

Showing our hands when speaking on camera can help overcome this challenge. By keeping our hands in the frame, we signal that we are actively engaged in the conversation and not doing something else on our computer or phone. This subtle gesture can help convey our level of engagement and attention to others and make them more likely to reciprocate the same level of engagement.

In addition, it is not uncommon to wear glasses during virtual communication. However, sometimes, the screen reflection can be visible on our lenses, causing confusion or doubt that we might be looking at something else. Showing our hands can help eliminate any confusion or doubt that others might have about our level of engagement during virtual communication.

In conclusion, virtual communication has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s essential to communicate effectively in this medium. Showing our hands when speaking on camera is a simple gesture that can make a big difference in how our message is received and how we engage with others during virtual communication. By creating a more engaging and attentive virtual communication environment, we can enhance our professional and personal relationships.

Give it a try, and let’s create a more engaging and attentive virtual communication environment together!


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