As someone that frequents music industry events and conferences, I was looking for a way to keep on top of all events to make sure I didn't miss any opportunities.

Now, I am sharing my calendar with you. You can sync it to your favorite calendar app. I've included options for Apple, Google and Microsoft calendars below.

*The below instructions are for the global calendar which shows all music conferences worldwide, including hybrid, in-person and virtual. If you want me to build something for you that only includes specific countries, regions and conference types (in-person, virtual etc.) please let me know here!

Also. Thank you to those that scrolled all the way to the bottom and bought me a coffee. You are keeping me caffeinated while building this! Cheers.

If you don’t want it to sync with your calendar app, you can just bookmark this page to come back and view it anytime!

How to Add it to Your Calendar

Here's how to add it to the calendar app on your computer, phone or tablet.

Copy this Calendar Subscription Link:

Google Calendar — Instructions

  1. Open Google Calendar by following this link.

  2. Paste the subscription link.

  3. Click “Add calendar”.

See additional information for Google Calendar →

Apple Calendar — Instructions

  1. Open Apple Calendar.

  2. Select File > New Calendar Subscription.

  3. Paste the subscription link.

  4. Click “Subscribe” and select “Ok”.

Additional information Apple Calendar →

Microsoft Outlook Calendar — Instructions

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook using this link, or open Microsoft Outlook Calendar and click “Add calendar”.

  2. Click on “Subscribe from web”.

  3. Paste the subscription link.

  4. Fill-in the “Calendar name” field.

  5. Click “Import”.

See additional information for Microsoft Outlook →

How I Made This

Lastly. I created this using Airtable. If you would to contribute by submitting missing events, please use my link here to create a free Airtable account. Once you have created a free account let me know and I will give you access to submit events. PS I get an Airtable credit if you create a free account. This credit applies to my monthly Airtable account payment, which helps to keep this calendar running and free.


Feedback and suggestions are welcome. I created this for fun, and to be helpful. I hope you find it helpful too.

Specific Calendars by Region, Country, and Type

By request I can create versions of the calendar that only shows specific event types and from specific regions, countries. See below for what I've created so far.


Calendar includes: All in person events across Europe plus virtual and hybrid.

You can view/bookmark here:

You can add to your calendar app by copying the below link and following the instructions above:

United States

Calendar includes: All in person events across the United States.

You can view/bookmark here:

You can add to your calendar app by copying the below link and following the instructions above:

Am I Missing a Conference?

Let me know by adding details here.


If you would like to buy me a coffee (or two) to say thanks for building and updating this calendar, you can do so here.